actualités & blog

juin 2021



Based on the city, space, people and nature, the exhibition creates a fusion of artificial nature and space through art works, expands with the possibility of new life, and shows the vigorous vitality of new life in the fusion of changes.

The Tower of Chaotian stands at the intersection of the two rivers, attracting countless peak people with the same interests, staring at the world and living at the peak from the top of the cloud tower. This summer, let’s go to the peak together and enjoy the « SUMMER | Chaoge Yingxia » art exhibition

juin 2021

EXHIBIT! Quitter la gravité

EXHIBIT! Quitter la gravité

Chaque été, Le Tetris, la scène de musiques actuelles havraise se métamorphose en lieu d’exposition, d’ateliers et de rencontres autour des arts et cultures numériques.

Pour la 5ème édition d’Exhibit, le Tetris s’associe à l’Espace multimédia Gantner (Centre d’art géré par le Département du Territoire de Belfort) autour d’une exposition collectiveQuitter la gravité, une invitation à la légèreté en cette période singulière.

Un parcours où les artistes, exclusivement féminines, interrogent la notion de gravité, d’invisibilité au sens propre comme au figuré, avec des propositions poétiques et ludiques. Des oeuvres qui se jouent des sens et des éléments. Un moment pour s’abstraire des lourdeurs du quotidien.

mai 2021

Cosmos District

Ce Cosmos District joue de la figure de la station habitée hors-Terre pour l’inscrire et la situer dans l’environnement urbain multi- séculaire de notre ville. Il provoque ainsi une superposition et articulation de repères sensibles (visuels, sonores, gustatifs…) et de codes, crée un m

mai 2021

Bamboo as Method


« Bamboo as method » unfolds in a highly symbolic space, and is divided into three parts: « for bamboo », « grid bamboo » and « non-bamboo ». The main body of the building, printed and woven using parametric design, surrounds the bamboo forest of nearly 10,000 square meters. In the bamboo forest, there are dozens of bamboo species from all over China, and its prosperity and preciousness are rare. The space is both natural and artificial, and it alludes to the real complexities we face when we work with bamboo.

avr 2021

Changed by 改变

Changed by

The year 2020 has seen dramatic changes in the world, with epidemics changing economic patterns, political situations, and relationships between people and society, and even between people and nature. The tangible and intangible changes have also inspired all sectors of society to rethink what they have taken for granted, opening up new possibilities in various fields.

Through our 2021 annual conference « Changed by », we hope to explore the thinking about change – what is really changing behind the dramatic changes, what are the topics worth thinking about, what are the overlooked challenges, what is important, and where will change take us. and where change is taking us.

avr 2021

Silo of Time


The 11th China Internation Garden Flower Expo of Jiangsu Province was opened on April 16, 2021 in Jiangning District, Nanjing. It covers an area of about 345 hectares. The construction of the Expo Park integrates the concept of « garden, park, paradise, home », preserves the industrial remains of the cement factory, implements the revitalization of the cliff pits and industrial plants, and realizes the ecological dialogue between artificial and natural, history and contemporary.

In the museum, visitors can see meteorites from the depths of space, natural gold that was formed much earlier than the sun, restored legendary machinery, a replica of a wooden automated observatory of the Northern Song Dynasty, and dozens of masterpieces of clocks and watches, thus witnessing the progress and development of human civilization and experiencing the power of innovation and invention. At the same time, visitors will be able to experience the time related contents such as technological knowledge, stories of great inventors and world famous landmarks embedded in the timepiece invention clues through various deconstruction devices, multimedia videos, interactive games and other technological means.

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